April/May 2015 Recipes

Although the French-inspired recipes included here are as French as the Cordon Bleu Culinary School, you don’t need to have the skills of a qualified French chef to make them. Some are classic, some are modernised, but all of them will give a French flair to your meals when you make them!  As usual, I include my own favourites as well as a few recipes by Carolié de Koster from her ever-popular Art Of Cooking recipe book.

Also have a look at the post Getting Sauce Savvy, where I provide information on the “mother sauces” of French cuisine as well as the late Julia Child’s Tips and Hints on how to make the perfect sauce.

Carolié de Koster has contributed the mouth-watering recipes below. They are mostly from her popular Art of Cooking Recipe Book:

Be sure to check out the following French recipes that featured in other newsletters:

The Art Of Cooking Recipe Book is not available from leading book stores.  Please visit our on-line shop to order yours.  For those of you who have the book already, the Art of Cooking and Koskuns Alphabetical Indexes are now available from Cooking Up A Storm.  Please contact me for more details.